Attracting new clients and retaining current ones is hard.

FlowMD can help!

Welcome to the Level 1 course for the FlowMD app! It was designed exclusively for mental health professionals seeking to deepen their expertise in leveraging breathing techniques and heart rate variability (HRV) for enhanced mental well-being. This transformative program combines theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and real-world applications to empower you in guiding clients toward improved mental health. Join us on this transformative journey, where you will emerge equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to use FlowMD to elevate your practice and make a lasting impact on the mental well-being of your clients.

Course curriculum

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    Getting Ready for the Course

    • Welcome to FlowMD

    • Download FlowMD and Breathe with Us!

    • Diaphragmatic Breathing with FlowMD Demo

    • Heart Rate Variability with FlowMD Demo

    • How to do Effortless Diaphragmatic Breathing

    • What are the Benefits of Diaphragmatic Breathing?

    • How to Integrate Diaphragmatic Breathing into your Daily Life

    • Guided Effortless Breathing while Sitting

    • Guided Effortless Breathing while Lying

    • 5 Ways to Improve Your Breathing

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    Week #1 Basics of Breathing

    • Breathing Biofeedback

    • Research Article: Good Breathing, Bad Breathing

    • Blog: Breathing reduces acid reflux and dysmenorrhea discomfort

    • Week #1 Hands-On Homework

    • FlowMD Tracking Log

    • Week #1 Tracking Log

    • Lesson Check #1 Basics of Breathing

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    Week #2 What is Heart Rate Variability?

    • Experiences with FlowMD, FlowMD Features and Heart Rate Variability

    • An Introduction to Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

    • Research Article: Posture and Mood: Implications and Applications to Therapy

    • Week #2 Hands-On Homework

    • FlowMD Tracking Log

    • Week #2 Tracking Log

    • Lesson Check #2 What is HRV?

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    Week #3 HRV Components & Metrics

    • Experiences with FlowMD, The science of Effortless Breathing, inviting clients

    • Using HRV Biofeedback to Treat Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction

    • FlowMD Protocol for Therapists

    • Research Article: Heart Rate Variability: How and Why does it work?

    • Week #3 Hands-On Homework

    • FlowMD Tracking Log

    • Week #3 Tracking Log

    • Lesson Check #3 HRV Components & Metrics

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    Week #4 Mindfulness

    • Treatment Implementation, Slow Breathing Research and FlowMD features

    • Why We Breathe: How to Improve your Sleep, Concentration, Focus & Performance

    • Research Article: How Posture Affects Memory Recall and Mood

    • Week #4 Hands-On Homework

    • FlowMD Tracking Log

    • Week #4 Tracking Log

    • Lesson Check #4 Mindfulness

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    Case Conceptualization & Final Exam

    • Case Conceptualization

    • Final Exam

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    Next Steps!

    • Thank you for Joining Us!

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    Additional Resources

    • Resources for Your Toolbox!

    • Anxiety, lightheadedness, palpitations, prodromal migraine symptoms? Breathing to the rescue!

    • Healing irritable bowel syndrome with diaphragmatic breathing

    • Toning quiets the mind and increases HRV more quickly than mindfulness practice

    • Allow natural breathing with abdominal muscle biofeedback [1,2]

    • Resolving a Chronic Headache with posture feedback and breathing

    • Mouth breathing and tongue position a risk factor for health

    • A breath of fresh air breathing and posture to optimize health

    • Surgery could cause other problems reverse learned disuse

    • Did You Ask About Abdominal Surgery or Injury? A Learned Disuse Risk Factor for Breathing Dysfunction

    • Healing Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diaphragmatic Breathing

    • Vulvodynia Treated Successfully with Breathing Biofeedback and Integrated Stress Reduction: A Case Report

You Instructor

Dr. Erik Peper, Chief Science Officer, FlowMD

Dr. Erik Peper is an international authority on biofeedback and self-regulation. Since 1970 he has been researching factors that promote healing. He is Professor of Holistic Health Studies / Department of Health Education at San Francisco State University. He is President of the Biofeedback Foundation of Europe and past President of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. He holds Senior Fellow (Biofeedback) certification from the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America. He was the behavioral scientist (sport psychologist) for the United States Rhythmic Gymnastics team. Dr. Peper has a biofeedback practice at Biofeedback Health ( He received the 2004 California Governor’s Safety Award for his work on Healthy Computing and in 2013 was received the Biofeedback Distinguished Scientist Award in recognition of outstanding career & scientific contributions from the Association for Applied Psychophysiology. Dr. Peper is an author of numerous scientific articles and books such as Make Health Happen, Fighting Cancer-A Nontoxic Approach to Treatment, Healthy Computing with Muscle Biofeedback, and Biofeedback Mastery. He publishes the blog the Peper Perspective– ideas on illness, health and well-being ( He is a recognized expert on holistic health, stress management and workplace health and has been featured on and in GQ, Glamour, Men’s Health, the San Francisco Chronicle, Shape, and Women’s Health. Dr. Peper's research interests focus on self-healing strategies to optimize health, illness prevention, the effects of posture and respiration, and learning self-mastery with biofeedback.

Help your clients regulate their nervous system with Breathing and HRV Biofeedback! Attract Clients with Remote Biofeedback Differentiate your practice and help your clients thrive with FlowMD's innovative remote biofeedback platform.

Therapists and Clients ♥️ FlowMD

Email us to learn more: [email protected]