Welcome to the Future of Brainwave Analysis

Unlock the potential of brain mapping and elevate your expertise with our comprehensive qEEG Certificate Course. Whether you're a psychologist, medical doctor, researcher, or rehabilitation specialist, our course offers you the skills and knowledge to master quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) and advance your professional practice.

  • Course Highlights

  • Expert Instructors: Learn from leading professionals in the field, with years of experience in neurofeedback, EEG-based diagnostics, and brain mapping research.

  • In-Depth Learning: Understand the principles and applications of qEEG, from basic electrode placement to advanced data analysis.

  • Hands-On Training: Gain practical experience with real qEEG data, using cutting-edge software and equipment.

  • Flexible Modules: Tailor your learning experience with our modular course structure, allowing you to focus on areas most relevant to your practice.

  • Certification: Earn a recognized certification that enhances your credentials and opens new career opportunities.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Course!

  • 2

    Phase I Syllabus

    • Phase I Syllabus

  • 3

    Chapter #1

    • Welcome to QEEG

    • Thornton 2013 Article Summary

    • Thornton 2013 - The relation between memory improvement and QEEG changes in three clinical groups as a result of EEG biofeedback treatment

    • Glossary of Terms

    • Welcome to QEEG Quiz

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    Chapter #2

    • Electrical Terminology & Neuroimaging Techniques

    • Matsumoto 2007 Article Summary

    • Matsumoto 2007 - Lateral habenula as a source of negative reward signals

    • Electrical Terminology and Neuroimaging Techniques Quiz

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    Chapter #3

    • Equipment

    • Duffy 2012 Article Summary

    • Duffy 2012 - A stable pattern of EEG spectral coherence distinguishes children with

    • Equipment Quiz

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    Chapter #4

    • Database Analysis

    • QEEG Normative Database - Comparison Spreadsheet

    • Duffy 2013 Article Summary

    • Duffy 2013 - The relationship of Asperger’s syndome to autism

    • Database Analysis Quiz

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    Chapter #5

    • Neuroanatomy Part 1

    • Agam 2014 Article Summary

    • Agam 2014 - Aberrant error processing in relation to symptom severity in obsessive–compulsive disorder: a multimodal neuroimaging study

    • Neuroanatomy Part 1 Quiz

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    Chapter #6

    • Neuroanatomy Part 2

    • Li 2018 Article Summary

    • Li 2018 - A brain network model for depression from symptom understanding to disease

    • Neuroanatomy Part 2 Quiz

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    Chapter #7

    • Brodmann Areas

    • Ratcliff-Baird 2002 Article Summary

    • Ratcliff-Baird 2002 - ADHD and stuttering similar EEG profiles suggest neurotherapy

    • Brodmann Areas Quiz

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    Chapter #8

    • Neurophysiological Processes & Terminology

    • Makeig 2009 Article Summary

    • Makeig 2009 - ERP features and EEG dynamics an ICA perspective

    • Neurophysiological Processes & Terminology Quiz

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    Chapter #9

    • Montages & Connectivity

    • Koenig 2005 Article Summary

    • Koenig 2005 - Decreased EEG synchronization in Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment

    • Montages & Connectivity Quiz

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    Chapter #10

    • EEG Frequencies & Typical Waveforms

    • Herrmann 2005 Article Summary

    • Herrmann 2005 - Human EEG gamma oscillations in neuropsychiatric disorders

    • EEG Frequencies & Typical Waveforms Quiz

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    Chapter #11

    • Abnormal EEG Patterns

    • Thornton 2014 Article Summary

    • Thornton 2014 - A QEEG activation methodology which obtains 100% accuracy in the discrimination traumatic brain injured from normal and does the learning disabled show the brain injury pattern

    • Abnormal EEG Patterns Quiz

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    Chapter #12

    • Psychopharmacological Part 1

    • Salinsky 2002 Article Summary

    • Salinsky 2002 - Effects of Gabapentin and Carbamazepine on the EEG and cognition in healthy volunteers

    • Psychopharmacology Part 1 Quiz

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    Chapter #13

    • Psychopharmacological Part 2

    • Gunkelman 2012 Article Summary

    • Gunkelman 2009 - Drug exposure and EEG QEEG findings

    • Psychopharmacology Part 2 Quiz

    • Drug Half Life Chart

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    Chapter #14

    • Efficacy Criteria for qEEG

    • Arns 2009 Article Summary

    • Arns 2009 - Efficacy of neurofeedback treatment in ADHD

    • Efficacy Criteria for QEEG Quiz

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    Chapter #15

    • QEEG Ethics and Professional Conduct Part 1

    • Enoch 2008 Article Summary

    • Enoch 2008 - Common genetic origins for EEG, alcoholism and anxiety

    • QEEG Ethics & Professional Conduct Part 1 Quiz

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    Chapter #16

    • QEEG Ethics and Professional Conduct Part 2

    • Zarei 2006 Article Summary

    • Zarei 2006 - Functional anatomy of interhemispheric cortical connections in the human brain

    • QEEG Ethics and Professional Conduct Part 2 Quiz

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    Chapter #17

    • Identifying and Reducing Artifacts

    • Dhar 2010 Article Summary

    • Dhar 2010 - Reduced interhemispheric coherence in dyslexic adults

    • Identifying & Reducing Artifacts Quiz

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    Chapter #18

    • EEG Acquisition & Filtering

    • Delorme 2012 Article Summary

    • Delorme 2012 - Independent EEG sources are dipolar

    • Filtering EEG Brainwaves Quiz

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    Chapter #19

    • Cognitive & Clinical Changes

    • Coben 2007 Article Summary

    • Coben 2007 - Assessment guided neurofeedback for Autistic Spectrum Disorder

    • Machado 2013 Article Summary

    • Machado 2013 - QEEG spectral and coherence assessment of autistic children in three different

    • Sherlin 2010 Article Summary

    • Sherlin 2010 - A position paper on neurofeedback for the treatment of ADHD

    • Cognitive & Clinical Changes Quiz

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    Chapter #20

    • Developmental Aspects of EEG

    • Solso 2015 Article Summary

    • Solso 2015 - Diffusion tensor imaging provides evidence of possible axonal overconnectivity in frontal lobes in autism spectrum disorder toddlers

    • Developmental Aspects of EEG Quiz

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    Chapter #21

    • Interpreting qEEG Topographic Maps (Head Maps)

    • Thatcher 2008 Article Summary

    • Thatcher 2008 - Intelligence and EEG phase reset a two compartmental model of phase shift and lock

    • Interpreting qEEG Topographic Maps (Head Maps) Quiz

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    Chapter #22

    • QEEG Analysis & How to Write a Report

    • Nuwer 1997 Article Summary

    • Nuwer 1997 - Assessment of digital EEG, quantitative EEG and EEG brain mapping

    • Thornton 2002 Article Summary

    • Thornton 2002 - Electrophysiology (QEEG) correlates of effective reading memory towards a generator activation theory of the mind

    • QEEG Analysis & How to Write a Report Quiz

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    Phase II

    • Starting Phase II

    • Phase II Schedule

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    Final Exam

    • Final Exam Details

    • Final Exam

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    Next Steps

    • End of Course Survey

    • Next Steps!

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    Additional Materials

    • Dr. Linda Walker's Addendum Slides

    • Wilson & Shaw 2011 - 1 channel EEG assessment

    • Brodmann Area Paper

    • Gunkelman 2005 - Drug Exposure

    • Thompson 2006 - Improving attention in ADHD

    • Gunkelman 2006 - Transcend the DSM

    • Hammond 2005 - Neurofeedback with anxiety and affective disorders

    • Dias 2011 - New depression protocol

    • Trans Cranial Technologies - Cortical functions

    • Swatzyna 2017 - Integration of EEG into psychiatric practice

    • Difbick 2019 - TBI & pituitary function

    • Hirsch 2021 - American clinical neurophysiology societys standardized critical care EEG terminology

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    Equipment in the Field

    • BrainBit Flex

    • Brain Bit Flex - Info & Specs

    • BrainBit Callibri

    • Callibri - Info & Specs

    • eVu-TPs

IQCB accredited 40-Hour didactic education. We provide the most up to date research in our course to ensure sufficient knowledge for passage of the IQCB exam and to support in obtaining board certification.